About Commando Dad

About Commando Dad

My name is Neil Sinclair and I am a Dad, an author and hopefully, a good blogger.

In the past I have been a Royal Engineer Commando, a PE teacher, and a security guard at the UK Mission to the UN in New York, but by far the most demanding job to date is as a stay-at-home dad to my three kids: Samuel, Jude and Liberty.

My Family

My experience of bringing my first child home – when you discover that all the parenting books and classes were geared towards the birth, not the entire life that comes after – prompted me to write a parenting book for dads. It’s called Commando Dad: Basic Training and is out May 2012.

Being a first time author is exciting and exhilarating – but it is stepping out into the unknown. Just like a skydive in fact!